Who is the gift card for?

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Gift card design
Gift card design
Gift card design
Gift card design
Gift card design
Gift card design
Gift card design thumbnail
Gift card design thumbnail
Gift card design thumbnail
Gift card design thumbnail
Gift card design thumbnail
Gift card design thumbnail

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Terms & Conditions

Gift card valid for in-store purchase only. We reserve the right to ensure all gift cards are purchased lawfully. Photo ID must be presented when claiming large amounts. All transactions flagged as being suspicious will be cancelled. Please allow up to 24 hours for gift card delivery due to transaction verification. Looking to purchase a gift card for over $200? Email info@oretta.to and our guest services team can take care of the rest.

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TOTAL $ 0.00


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Notes & Instructions

Please redeem this E-Gift Card with your server.

Terms & Conditions

Gift card valid for in-store purchase only. We reserve the right to ensure all gift cards are purchased lawfully. Photo ID must be presented when claiming large amounts. All transactions flagged as being suspicious will be cancelled. Please allow up to 24 hours for gift card delivery due to transaction verification. Looking to purchase a gift card for over $200? Email info@oretta.to and our guest services team can take care of the rest.

By adding to your bag, you agree to the above policies.

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